
Exposition 395'573 de Mathieu Bernard-Reymond à Lausanne, Galerie Heinzer Reszler

159'828, de la série n, 2014

159'828, de la série n, 2014


10 avril au 24 mai 2014

Une exposition personnelle de mathieu Bernard-Reymond à la Galerie Heinzer Reszler à Lausanne. 

Vernissage Jeudi 10 avril 2014 dès 18:00 et aussi Samedi 12 avril 2014 entre 16h et 18h.

Galerie Heinzer Reszler
Rue du Port-Franc 9
1er étage
Quartier du Flon
1003 Lausanne

Touristes à Pully (CH)


Do you speak touriste?

Quand les photographes décodent les clichés

Exposition collective au Musée d'art de Pully

Quelques images extraites de la série Le Voyage à Nantes seront présentées dans cette exposition sous le commissariat de Pauline Martin

Vernissage le 5 Mars à 18:00

Exposition du 6 Mars au 11 mai 2014

Avec les travaux de Graziella ANTONINI, Claude BAECHTOLD, Emmanuelle BAYART & Timo KIREZ, Mathieu BERNARD-REYMOND, Kurt CAVIEZEL, Olivier CHRISTINAT, Raquel DIAS, David FAVROD, Thomas GALLER, Romain MADER, Murielle MICHETTI-BAUMGARTNER, Adrien MISSIKA, Noha MOKHTAR, Simon RIMAZ, Nicolas SAVARY, Corinne VIONNET

"Du « clic » du touriste à la carte postale, de la webcam au guide de voyage, do you speak touriste ? décode la photographie touristique et invite chacun à interroger sa propre pratique. Le détournement du cliché est ainsi exploré par cette exposition collective, qui réunit seize artistes suisses, et par un concours organisé en collaboration avec l’ECAL." Musée d'art de Pully


Trades series exhibited at Japan Media Arts Festival, Tokyo


Le Japan Media Art Festival est un festival d'Art des medias qui distingue des travaux d'origine diverses -de l'animation, à la bande dessinée, en passant par les nouveaux medias et jusqu'au jeu vidéo. [...] Depuis sa création en 1997, le festival a récompensé des travaux reconnus pour leur maitrise et leur créativité, et en plus de l'exposition des travaux récompensés a organisé de nombreux évènements, conférences, projections et démonstrations. Cette année le festival a reçu un record de 4347 candidatures de 84 pays, preuve de son développement en tant que festival international reconnu.


  • National Art Center, Tokyo
    (Special Exhibition Gallery 1E [1F] / Auditorium [3F] / Lecture Rooms A,
    B[3F]) Opening hours:10:00-18:00(Fri 10:00-20:00).
    Address:7-22-2 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo

  • Tokyo Midtown(Atrium [Galleria B1F] / Courtyard / International
    Design Liaison Center [Midtown Tower 5F])
    ddress:9-7-1, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Trades_LEH_20080917 from the Trades Series

Trades_LEH_20080917 from the Trades Series

Trades series is part of the Jury Selection of the 2014 Japan Media Arts Festival

The Japan Media Arts Festival is a comprehensive festival of Media Arts (=Media Geijutsu) that honors outstanding works from a diverse range of media- from animation and comics to media art and games.  [...] Since its inception in 1997, the festival has recognized significant works of high artistry and creativity, and in addition to a yearly Exhibition of Award-winning Works has held other events, such as symposiums, screenings, and showcases. This year the 17th Festival received a record 4,347 entries from 84 countries and regions around the world, demonstrating its continuing evolution as an established annual international festival.

Exhibition Venues:

  • National Art Center, Tokyo
    (Special Exhibition Gallery 1E [1F] / Auditorium [3F] / Lecture Rooms A,
    B[3F]) Opening hours:10:00-18:00(Fri 10:00-20:00).
    Address:7-22-2 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo

  • Tokyo Midtown(Atrium [Galleria B1F] / Courtyard / International
    Design Liaison Center [Midtown Tower 5F])
    Address:9-7-1, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo



Art Geneva art fair Jan 30 to Feb 2 with new works

De nouvelles images seront révélées sur le stand de la Galerie Heinzer Reszler pendant la foire ArtGenève 2014.

Rendez-nous visite du 30 janvier au 2 février de midi à 20:00.

Avec les travaux de:


et une exposition solo de 

STAND U07 et U08

New works will be exhibited at Galerie Heinzer Reszler booth during the ArtGenève 2014 art fair.

Please come and say hello from January 30th to February 2nd, 12 to 8PM

works from: 


and a solo show of 

BOOTH U07 & U08

Video mapping extends corridor using videogame recordings

Created especially for a private event this installation uses animated captures from videogames like Doom, Gta V or Farcry 3 to extend the corridor's space of a law firm headquarters. The same day, images from TV, Monuments and Vous êtes ici series where exhibited in the building.

Créé spécialement pour un événement privé cette installation utilise des captures animées de jeux vidéo comme Doom, GTA V ou Farcry 3, pour étendre l'espace du couloir situé au siège d'un cabinet d'avocats. En même temps, des images des séries TV, Monuments et Vous êtes ici sont exposées dans le bâtiment.

In collaboration with Murs Porteurs

Exposition Collective "Rivages" @Espace Saint François, Lausanne

n°23 de la série Disparitions, Mathieu Bernard-Reymond

n°23 de la série Disparitions,
Mathieu Bernard-Reymond


Mathieu Bernard-Reymond
Vincent Jendly
Loan Nguyen

Avec une installation des “ROCK CUSHIONS” de Ronel Jordaan
Courtesy K-LINE Isabelle Klein

Invitation  a télécharger

Place Saint-François 12 (1er étage)
CH - 1003 Lausanne
Tél. 021 320 41 60
Ouvert du lundi au vendredi 

et l'évènement Facebook ici


Trades series @Noorderlicht festival 2013

Noorderlicht Photofestival 2013

From 1 September through 13 October, 2013, Noorderlicht is mounting five exhibitions and 20 smaller international presentations. This photographic event takes place at a new cultural venue: the Old Sugar Factory, an impressive industrial complex in Groningen. 

Trades series will be shown in a printed version in one of the festival's main shows:
"To Have and Have Not" 

Groningen, The Netherlands
September 1 through October 13
Opening August 31

fALSEfAKES, collective exhibition, Centre de la Photographie de Genève - 50 jpg

I will have he privilege to participate to the fALSEfAKE collective show curated by
M. Joerg Bader in association with Sébastien Leseigneur.

A piece of the new Trades series ​will be shown there. Trades is a series of alternative representations of the activity on the financial markets.

The artist selection is promising. Amongst them: Éric Baudelaire, Valerie Belin, Mohamed Bourouissa, Matthias Bruggmann, Victor Burgin, Philippe Dudouit, Paul Graham, Sebastien Leseigneur,  Christian Lutz, Enrique Metinides, Virginie Otth & Nicolas Lieber, Juliette Russbach, Bruno Serralongue, Cindy Sherman, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Jeff Wall, Martin Widmer...

more info here

This exhibition is part of the 50JPG (50 Jours pour la Photographie à Genève)

Announcing: Fototropia, collective exhibition, Guatemala City

​Select, from the Elements series, 2010

​Select, from the Elements series, 2010

Guatemala City from May 29rd - Jul 13th , 2013.

  Fototropía aims to connect and collaborate with different photographers, visual artists, curators, cultural promoters, collectors, other institutions and the general public by producing innovative exhibits that break the mold of traditional art venues in the region. Fototropía is another project by La Fototeca in order to achieve its goal of educating, promoting, documenting and celebrating photography as a contemporary medium.

Presskit (spanish)


Anouncing: Art Paris Art Fair with new works.

LEH_20080911 from the Trades series, 2012
Graphical representation of the 1'340'271 trades occurring between 4:15 and 16:00 on the 11.09.2008 for the Lehman Brothers Stock (LEH) on the US Equities market, including pre-market trades, and day sessions.Position of the dots reflects time of the trade to the millisecond (reads from top to bottom, right to left). Size of the dots reflects volume of the trade. Halo reflects amount of simultaneous trades.
Color reflects the price of the stock. On sept 15 2008, Lehman Brothers files for bankruptcy. On the 17th, before end of quotation, one LEH stock was worth 0.13 USD.

Never seen works at Art Paris Art Fair, Baudoin Lebon booth E11
Grand Palais
March 28th to April 1st, 2013

Trades, new work about financial markets

New images from the new work "Trades" are now visible on the portfolio website.
is a group of various graphical representations af financial market data. The resulting pictures show the very high intensity of the financial activity, its flux, and some recurring patterns due to machines that now control the majority of financial decisions on the markets (algorithmic trading). Historical tick by tick trading data is used as a source to create a point cloud rendered with a specific point of view. 
Part One of  Trades series is made of 7 large size lightboxes representing the 7 last days of the Lehman Brothers stock on the US equities market from September 9 to 19th, 2008.​

Graphical representation of the 1’316’899 trades occuring between 7:31 and 16:00 on the 09.09.2008 for the Lehman Brothers Stock (LEH) on the US equities market, including pre-market trades, and day sessions. Position of the dots reflects time of the trade to the millisecond (reads from top to bottom, right to left) Size of the dots reflects volume of the trade. Halo reflects amount of simultaneous trades. Color reflects the price of the stock. On Sept 15 2008, Lehman Brothers files for bankruptcy  On the 17th, before end of quotation, one LEH stock was worth 0.13 USD.

​3d rendering of the Trades series

Format festival Piece Of Cake Workshop images

It is very difficult to share what is a Piece of Cake workshop from the outside of the group. But here are some memories of the past few days in company of POCs.​

Landmark Collective Show at Sumerset House, London. 14 March - 28 April 2013

​The crowded somerset house

​The crowded somerset house

Curated by Mr William Ewing this collective show is one of the bests I was invited to participate. Here is what the press release says :
"Focusing on our rapidly changing planet, ‘Landmark: the Fields of Photography’ features more than 170 original works of art taken by enterprising photographers employing technology ranging from 19th Century plate-camera techniques to the use of planes, drones, robots and even satellites to capture vivid images of earth’s varied terrain – and even distant planets. Many of the major names in photography are represented: Mitch Epstein, Nadav Kandar, Ryan McGinley, Robert Adams, Simon Norfolk, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Lee Friedlander, Simon Roberts, Toshio Shibata, Robert Polidori and many others contributing spectacular imagery. Also featured are striking images by a younger generation of photographers: Pieter Hugo, Susan Evans, Raphael Dallaporta, Penelope Umbrico, Mathieu Bernard-Reymond, and others."